The other day at a rally, Trump went into some wild theories, as reported by Talking Points Memo:
“Can you imagine Anthony Weiner has probably every classified email ever sent," Trump said, drawing attention early and often to Clinton's email scandal that has plagued her campaign. “Probably studied every single one.”
Ever since the FBI announced he was re-opening the investigation into Clinton's emails, Trump's been happy to volunteer answers to questions left in its murky wake.
Trump said that Weiner's computer included "brand new emails" that were "likely including some very, very classified information" even as it is unclear if and what the FBI is looking at.
Later that weekend, the FBI announced that . As per the New York Times:
“Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusion that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton,” Mr. Comey wrote in a letter to the leaders of several congressional committees. He said agents had reviewed all communications to and from Mrs. Clinton in the new trove when she was secretary of state.
Meanwhile, a protester disrupted a rally at which President Barack Obama was speaking. The President, in contrast to the Republican candidate, calmed the crowd:
"Hold up. Hold up. First of all, we live in a country that respects free speech. Second of all, it looks like maybe he might have served in our military and we have to respect that. Third of all, he was elderly and we have had to respect our elders. And fourth of all, don't boo, vote!"
Trump's interpretation of the above was to say Obama "spent so much time screaming at a protester, and frankly it was a disgrace." Politifact reviewed the evidence and determined this was "Pants on Fire" false. Indeed, Politifact has determined that a whopping 70% of Trump's statements are either "Mostly False," "False" or "Pants on Fire," compared to only 26% for his opponent, Hillary Clinton. Deadspin, of all places, created a video comparing Trump's claims to what Obama actually said. The tape speaks for itself. Trump is a chronic and habitual liar, saying whatever he thinks will get the crowd to fall in love with him.
Naturally, because most of what's left of Trump's supporters are angry white men with bigoted tendencies, Trump went into the final push of the election cycle with a commercial Josh Marshall of TPM described as featuring antisemitic themes. Specifically, Marshall wrote the advertisement was "packed with anti-Semitic dog whistles, anti-Semitic tropes and anti-Semitic vocabulary. I'm not even sure whether it makes sense to call them dog whistles." He added that the "American bad guys in the ad are Hillary Clinton, George Soros (Jewish financier), Janet Yellen (Jewish Fed Chair) and Lloyd Blankfein (Jewish Goldman Sachs CEO)."
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