With Donnie T sworn in as the new president, I want to share what the future holds for this blog. Originally, this started to document the GOP's nutty presidential candidate, and I did not expect for him to win and be given the keys to the United States. Indeed, fatigue began to set in following the election, as more and more nonsense and shenanigans continued to flood the news cycle.
Nevertheless, even if I am the only soul to ever read these words, I want to continue to document the coverage of Trump's White House. I have a backlog of about one month's worth of articles, just because I like to see what patterns emerge and to make sure I do not share something that becomes debunked within days of its original publication. Also, frankly, there is just so much information out there, it is not always easy to digest and distribute in a timely manner. Of course, if something of true importance emerges, I am always willing to publish it early as a "Special" post. Overall, the blog will continue to document press coverage of our new president. It is important to follow along.
Trump has assembled one of the worst cabinets in history, with people like Ben Carson and Betsy DeVos (should they be confirmed) being wholly unqualified and incapable of running the departments of which they will be in charge (but still getting Republican approval; never forget this). We also have an administration with deep ties to Russia, most likely through business interests (from Manafort to Flynn, there is a long history of Russian ties within the Trump circle). Trump will be the most pro-Russian president since the era of the Tsar. So while Trump molds foreign policy and works to dismantle alliances (such as NATO) in favor of Russian interests, his cabinet will help destabilize America from within. When Trump leaves office (in 4 or 8 years, barring impeachment or resignation), he and his family will have profited vastly from the grift and graft they are known for while the country will be in such a poor state it may take an entire generation before we recover.
It's not as fun living in the final days of Rome. Yet, here we are. Never give up.
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