Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Think Progress: Trump is Ignoring Daily Intelligence Briefings, Relying on ‘A Number of Sources’ Instead

Last week, the Washington Post reported that President-elect Donald Trump had only received two classified intelligence briefings since election day — a number they said was “notably lower” than the amount received by his predecessors at this point in the transition period.

In an interview on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday, host Dana Bash asked Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway about the allegation.

Conway did not deny the Post’s report, but instead stressed that in addition to the (limited) intelligence briefings he has received, the President-elect is “receiving information through his personal and on-the-phone meetings with over what’s now 41 world leaders.”

When further pressed by Bash about whether he was turning down the daily intelligence briefings that were offered to him, Conway avoided directly answering the question.

“I can’t discuss that publicly,” she said. “What I can tell you is that he is the most engaged individual I’ve ever met and brilliant to boot, and he is certainly availing himself of the information that is provided to him from a number of sources, including those intelligence briefings.”

According to the Post, Vice President-elect Mike Pence has set aside time “almost every day” for the classified intelligence briefings.

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